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Elisabeths første CD.
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I am Yours



Words & music: Elisabeth Grindheim Brodalen 20/3-04


When the dark calls

When the night falls

I’ve not gone to bed

I can hear you whispering in the night

I can hear you

I am near you

Cause you are my child

You don’t have to be afraid any longer

I am yours and you are mine

I am listening

To what you have to say

And things divine shall soon come true

And I will tell you secrets from my heart

as a start…

I am tender

I am never far away from you

I have helped you

more than you have seen

Cause I care for

what you care for

Your sorrows are mine too

Let me help

and take your heavy burden on me

I am yours
[Elisabeth si heimeside] [Uraflower] [If time could heal scars] [I know nothing about tomorrow] [Anyone] [Too much sorrow] [Starving people] [The day after the tragedy 12.9.01] [Why is it so] [Rain] [If time could heal scars] [I am Yours] [His great promise] [Dikt og sanger] [Din side] [Lenker] [Kontakt meg] [Humor] [Konsertprogram]

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Webdesigner: Ståle Brodalen