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Elisabeths første CD.
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Words & music: Elisabeth Grindheim Brodalen 3/8-98

 Rullende piano02


Oh, Lord

What can I do?

These songs - they make me blue

While laying here in my shelf

What are they good for?

You know just what I want

Is them to be sung

Whether you ask someone else

Or you ask me


If there is anyone

Anyone out there

Who needs this song

That anyone is you

And I’ll tell anyone

Anyone, yes, you!

And my message is this

My Jesus loves you too!

[Elisabeth si heimeside] [Uraflower] [If time could heal scars] [I know nothing about tomorrow] [Anyone] [Too much sorrow] [Starving people] [The day after the tragedy 12.9.01] [Why is it so] [Rain] [If time could heal scars] [I am Yours] [His great promise] [Dikt og sanger] [Din side] [Lenker] [Kontakt meg] [Humor] [Konsertprogram]

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Webdesigner: Ståle Brodalen